Tummy Tuck

Giving birth or experiencing significant change of weight can expand and separate the abdominal (stomach) muscles. This often results in a persistent bloated appearance in your belly you might hate to see.

Don’t beat yourself up if excessive dieting or harsh exercises cannot respond as a flatter stomach! Because even in the absence of belly fat, the looseness of the abdominal wall can create saggy skin in the related area.

Dr. Cengizhan Ekizceli performs abdominoplasty, also known as Tummy Tuck, as a sophisticated surgical procedure designed to address this issue. The surgery not only strengthens the abdominal muscles but also removes extra skin and fat tissue from the lower and upper belly region. 

The goal in the end is to effectively restore firmness to the abdominal wall. This transformative procedure can help patients reclaim a toned and contoured midsection, enhancing both their looks & confidence.

Stages of the Surgery


    1. Consultation & Planning:

Your journey begins with a thorough consultation with a certified plastic surgeon. During this session, your doctor will evaluate your medical history, discuss your aesthetic goals, and conduct a physical examination. This is the time to ask questions and express any concerns. The surgeon will explain the different types of tummy tuck procedures (see below) and recommend the best option for you!

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    1.  How You Will Prepare Yourself to the Surgery:

In the weeks leading up to your tummy tuck, you will be advised to…

    • Stop smoking if you are a smoker. Smoking can impede recovery and increase the risk of complications.
    • Avoid certain medications. Blood-thinning medications and supplements like aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements should not be taken.
    • Maintain a healthy diet. Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and proteins can enhance your body’s healing abilities.
    • Arrange for assistance. Plan for someone to drive you home after surgery and help you during the initial recovery period.
    1. How Your Doctor Will Instruct You:

Your surgeon will provide specific instructions to follow the night before and the day of the surgery. This may include fasting after midnight and avoiding the use of lotions or creams on the abdominal area.

During the Operation

    1. Anesthesia:

Before it all begins, you will be given anesthesia for your comfort. This may be general anesthesia or intravenous sedation, whichever your doctor finds eligible to your individual condition.

    1.  Incision and Muscle Repair:

The surgeon will make a horizontal incision between the pubic hairline and the belly button. The length and shape of the incision depend on the amount of excess skin. The underlying weakened abdominal muscles are then repaired and sutured.

    1. Removing Saggings and Fat:

The surgeon will remove excess skin and fat through the incision. Liposuction may also be used to enhance the contours. 

Once the excess tissue is removed, the remaining skin is pulled down and sutured together. A new opening for the belly button is created, and it is then stitched in place.

    1. Closing the Incisions:

Finally, the incisions are closed with sutures. Drains are placed under the skin to remove any excess fluid or blood.


    1. Recovery Begins:

After your tummy tuck surgery, you can expect swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Prescribed pain medication & health-care professionals designated to care for your needs will help manage any discomfort.

    1. Home-Care Instructions:

You’ll receive instructions on how to get dressed, to put on the compression garment, to maintain the drains, and to take prescribed medications.

    1. Follow-Up Appointments:

Be careful to attend all scheduled check-ups for your doctor to monitor your healing progress and to address any possible concerns.

    1. Gradual Return to Activities:

Avoid strenuous activities for at least six weeks. Most patients can return to work within two weeks, depending on the job.

    1. Long-Term Care:

Maintain a stable weight, follow scar care recommendations, and prioritize your emotional well-being! ☀️

Types of Tummy Tuck

    1. Mini Tummy Tuck (90 Tummy Tuck)

This procedure, also called partial tummy tuck, targets only the lower abdomen below the belly button. It is ideal for patients with mild to moderate excess skin and fat in the stomach area. 

The incision is smaller and usually limited to the bikini line, resulting in less scarring. The belly button usually remains untouched or may be slightly repositioned.

Example of a before & after testimonial of one of Dr. Cengizhan’s patients.

    1. Standard Tummy Tuck (180 Tummy Tuck) 

Also known as full abdominoplasty or traditional tummy tuck, this procedure addresses excess skin and fat in the entire front of the abdominal area. The incision is made horizontally from hip to hip, allowing the surgeon to remove excess tissue, tighten abdominal muscles, and reposition the belly button for a more rejuvenated appearance.

Example of a before & after testimonial of one of Dr. Cengizhan’s patients.

    1. Extended Tummy Tuck (270 Tummy Tuck) 

This procedure targets excess skin and fat not only in the lower abdomen but also extends to the sides. Lengthening the incision made in a standard tummy tuck addresses excess skin and fat in the lateral areas, resulting in a more comprehensive contouring of the waistline.

Example of a before & after testimonial of one of Dr. Cengizhan’s patients.

    1. Belt Lipectomy (360 Tummy Tuck) 

This procedure, also described as circumferential tummy tuck, addresses excess skin and fat in the entire abdomen, including the front, sides, and back

The incision extends all the way around the waist, allowing the surgeon to remove excess tissue and contour the entire midsection. It is ideal for patients who have experienced significant weight loss or have excess skin and fat in multiple areas of the abdomen.

Example of a before & after testimonial of one of Dr. Cengizhan’s patients.

    1. Fleur-de-Lis Tummy Tuck (FDL Abdominoplasty)

This procedure is suitable for patients with significant excess skin and fat in their stomach, often following massive weight loss or multiple pregnancies. It involves a vertical incision in addition to the horizontal one to address excess tissue both vertically and horizontally. This allows for maximal tissue removal and reshaping of the abdomen, resulting in a bolder transformation.

Example of a before & after testimonial of one of Dr. Cengizhan’s patients.

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Tummy Tuck for Men

Mostly due to significant weight loss, men will have excess skin especially on their abdominal area. Abdominoplasty is a common cosmetic solution to achieve a more toned & defined upper body for men also.

A “male tummy tuck” is not so different than a standard tummy tuck, though. There are only some slight differences that may change the surgery process, which are:

    • Muscle Focus→ Male tummy tucks often emphasize the rectus abdominis muscles to enhance the appearance of a toned, muscular abdomen, sometimes incorporating a six-pack definition.
    • Incision Placement→ Incisions may be positioned to align with the natural contours of the male physique, often lower to be easily concealed by clothing.
    • Fat Distribution→ Men typically have different fat distribution patterns, and the procedure may involve more targeted liposuction to address these areas.
    • Skin Thickness→ Male skin is generally thicker and more fibrous, which can affect the surgical technique and recovery process.
    • Combined Operations→ Since the loose skin is unlikely to be limited only to the stomach (breasts sagging etc.), gynecomastia surgery is also applied for during such treatments. Gynecomastia is a medical condition providing male breast tissue enlargement due to hormonal imbalances, and gynecomastia surgery refers to the removal of those excess breast tissue, resulting in a flatter, more masculine chest.

Example of a male tummy tuck before & after by Dr. Cengizhan.

The average cost of a tummy tuck for men does not vary so to an extent to provide a different data. You can go to the end of this article to see the average costs of abdominoplasty.

Recovery from Abdominoplasty

Healing from a tummy tuck involves several stages to ensure optimal recovery and results. 

    • Initially, a drain is placed to remove excess fluids, which is typically removed within 2 – 4 days
    • Patients are advised to wear a compression garment for 4-6 weeks post-surgery to support the healing tissues and reduce swelling. 
    • During the first 7-10 days, it’s crucial to bend at the waist while standing to protect the surgical wound, after which standing straight becomes more comfortable. 
    • The resulting scar will gradually fade over time with prescribed skin-care products, reaching its final appearance within six months to a year, and is usually concealed by underwear or a swimsuit.


    • How long to wait before seeing the final result of tummy tuck?

The final result of a tummy tuck is usually visible right after the surgery. But the healing process is completed within six months to a year, as swelling subsides and the scar fades in this period.


    • Is Turkey a safe country to get a tummy tuck?

Choosing Turkey for a tummy tuck by Dr. Cengizhan Ekizceli provides access to high-quality medical care and advanced facilities. Dr. Cengizhan’s expertise ensures reliable outcomes, and Turkey’s well-developed medical tourism infrastructure supports a smooth recovery process for you!


    • Which surgeries can be combined with abdominoplasty?

Liposuction is a common surgery that can be combined with tummy tuck. This combination can enhance the overall contouring results by removing excess fat in addition to tightening the abdominal area.


    • Who are good candidates for a tummy tuck?

Good tummy tuck candidates have excess skin and weakened muscles in their stomach due to losing significant weight or giving birth. They should be at a stable weight & should not smoke. Age is not a limiting factor if they are in good health.


    • Is it possible to give birth after a tummy tuck?

Dr. Cengizhan Ekizceli recommends his patients to consider a tummy tuck after completing their family planning beforehand. This is because subsequent pregnancies can alter the results of the surgery, as giving birth often leads to the stretching and relaxation of the abdominal wall.

As to the question, yes! It is completely possible to give birth after a tummy tuck; but it is not advised due to optimal surgery results.


    • What is the cost of a tummy tuck?

Although varying factors such as patient individuality, surgeon’s experience & the extent of the said procedure makes it difficult to set a fixed price on abdominoplasty, the renowned U.S. database of plastic surgeries called RealSelf claims these are the common costs for a tummy tuck:

    • Min. cost for a tummy tuck is $4.5K
    • Max. cost for a tummy tuck is $20K
    • Average cost for a tummy tuck is $8.2K


    • How long can a tummy tuck last? Is it permanent?

As long as you manage to keep your weight stable, the tummy tuck operation will last for a lifetime.


    • Does it hurt to eat after getting a tummy tuck?

Though many patients experience stiffness around the surgical site, a tummy tuck will not lead to stomach ache. You can continue your regular diet after the operation if you do not have already-existing gastric problems. Otherwise, try to eat bland or light foods until you feel okay again.


    •  Who is NOT suitable for a tummy tuck?

If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is over 30 –therefore, considered as overweight, you are not suitable for any of the abdominoplasty procedures.